
Hands on lab

Gibbous game - programming meets Art

Nicolae Câmpian - @ Reea.net

Room 32, 3rd floor

12nd November, 11:00-11:30

In this session we will cover how to beautify art using real-time lights and shadows and how to scale to handle thousands of animations and sprites.

  • Why go with Unity3D
  • What Gibbous game is all about
  • How to scale to thousands of sprites of animation
  • Dynamic light effects on 2D sprites with custom shaders
  • Programming 3D shadows for 2D sprites using custom shaders

In the end participants will understand how we at Reea.net develop 2D games and how to augment 2D art in gaming.

Nicolae Câmpian


Campian Nicolae is the CTO of Unity3D department at REEA.net He has over 12 years of experience as a software engineer working with web technologies and AR/VR applications and solutions. He was the lead developer for Gibbous(2D point and click adventure game), SwissAir AR, Louis Vuitton AR experiments, Neurofy VR and many others. He likes experimenting with machine learning and image processing algorithms for better AR experiences.